How Are the Herbprime's MyAcu Moxa Guide Tubes Decomposed Industrially?

How Are the Herbprime's MyAcu Moxa Guide Tubes Decomposed Industrially? - Herbprime

Herbprime's Industrially Compostable Moxa Guide Tubes

The Problem with Plastic Waste

Each year, 22 billion plastic guide tubes are discarded into our ocean. Recognizing the severe impact of medical waste on humans and other organisms, Herbprime has dedicated the past decade to developing an environmentally friendly alternative for the acupuncture industry.

Introducing Herbprime's Industrially Compostable Moxa Guide Tubes

Herbprime's innovative guide tubes are made from moxa stems, which are finely chopped and mixed with biodegradable materials. As a certified medical device, these guide tubes are designed for industrial composting, ensuring they do not harm the environment or public health.

Compostability: Industrial vs. Home

Compostability refers to the ability of a material to break down in a controlled environment and transform into compost. There are two main types:

  1. Industrial Compostability: Suitable for materials that decompose effectively at high temperatures (around 60°C). These processes take place in industrial composting plants that handle large volumes of waste.
  2. Home Compostability: Suitable for materials that can decompose at lower temperatures (around 25°C) in a home composting setup. This method is slower and less efficient for medical devices that require quicker decomposition for safety reasons.

How Are the MyAcu Moxa Guide Tubes Decomposed Industrially?

Herbprime's guide tubes require industrial composting due to the need for higher temperatures and specialized equipment to ensure efficient and safe decomposition.

To decompose MyAcu Moxa Guide Tubes industrially, follow these steps:

  1. Place in Organic Waste Containers: Dispose of the MyAcu Moxa Guide Tubes in your home’s organic waste containers.
  2. Collection and Transportation: These containers will be collected by your local organic waste collection service.
  3. Industrial Composting Facilities: The collected waste is then transported to industrial composting facilities. At these facilities, the guide tubes decompose efficiently at a constant temperature of 60°C and under appropriate humidity levels, ensuring complete and safe decomposition.

By following this process, you help ensure that the MyAcu Moxa Guide Tubes are composted in an environmentally friendly manner, contributing to a healthier planet.

The Limitations of Home Composting

Home composting involves lower temperatures and less controlled conditions, taking about 3-6 months for materials to decompose. For medical devices like Herbprime's guide tubes, this slower process is not ideal due to the need for rapid and safe breakdown.

Conclusion: Optimal Disposal of Herbprime's Guide Tubes

While it is theoretically possible to compost Herbprime's guide tubes at home, it is not recommended. The process requires optimal conditions, including a constant temperature of 60°C and appropriate humidity levels, which are challenging to maintain in a home environment. To ensure safety and environmental protection, it is best to utilize industrial composting facilities for the disposal of these medical devices.